802.1p Class of Service (CoS)DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point)Bandwidth Control per portQueue Scheduling: Strict Priority, Weighted Round Robin (WRR)
HTTP/HTTPS (SSL v2/3 TLS) Web based GUISNMP v1, v2c, v3RMON v1Static Unicast MAC AddressEnable/disable 802.3az Power SavingLLDPVirtual Cable TestIPv6: IPv6 Neighbor Discovery, IPv6 Static IP, DHCPv6, Auto configuration
Multiple management VLAN assignmentAsymmetric VLAN802.1Q Tagged VLANDynamic GVRPUp to 256 VLAN groups, ID Range 1-4094Private VLAN (Protected Ports)Voice VLAN (10 user defined OUIs)
IEEE 802.1D STP (Spanning Tree protocol)IEEE 802.1w RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree protocol)IEEE 802.1s MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree protocol)